Zillow recently announced that listings with a Zillow interactive floor plan will receive premium placement in search results on Zillow. They will also get special email pushes from Zillow prompting home shoppers to view the listing, and will have a red “3D Home” badge that helps them stand out.

We know this is an important advantage so we immediately jumped on it! We are now offering Zillow 3D tours + Zillow interactive floor plans in our new “Basic Bundle” or as an add-on. See this video for more information on Zillow interactive floor plans straight from Zillow.
Here is an example of a Zillow tour. (hosted only on Zillow)
Besides giving your listings a boost on Zillow, we really like these interactive floor plans because they dynamically show how the virtual tour relates to the floor plan. It’s a great tool for buyers! And since ANY listing could use more eyes on Zillow, we also created a new “Basic Bundle” that includes photos, Zillow 3D tour, Zillow interactive floor plan, and marketing kit. We’d recommend this as an affordable media package for even the most basic houses (see pricing here)
FAQs: Can these be posted elsewhere besides Zillow? illow tours are only viewable on Zillow. You CAN post the floor plans elsewhere though! In addition to the Zillow interactive floor plan (only interactive on Zillow), we will deliver black & white floor plan images that you can upload to the MLS.
What's the difference between Zillow floor plans & our normal 2D floor plans? Our 2D floor plans are more detailed, including fixed furniture like kitchen cabinets, bathtubs, and vanities. The Zillow floor plans are simpler but are still great for showing the layout.
What do we recommend between Matterport or Zillow? Matterport is still a more immersive virtual tour experience for buyers, but these interactive floor plans are definitely cool. And if the boost on Zillow is important to you, then that may tip things in Zillow’s favor. Zillow tours also cost less. What do I have to do to upload a Zillow tour? There is nothing you need to do on your end! As long as the address we enter matches the address you list as, it will automatically populate to your listing once it’s live on Zillow. Seriously so easy for you! 🙌